Author Archives: Tim
California Labor Code 246 Overview & Example Scenarios
California Labor Code 246 is a very important piece of California labor law that lays out employee sick leave. It includes terms on when the employee can use their sick leave, how fast the sick leave must accrue at a minimum, how much sick leave an employee can earn in a year, and more. California […]
Learn MoreCalifornia Labor Code 221 Overview and Example Scenarios
California Labor Code 221 is a short part of California’s labor code that simply states employers may not take wages they have paid their employees back. California Labor Code 221 Explained in 90 Seconds The core of California Labor Code 221 is that employees can’t take wages back from their employees once they have been […]
Learn MoreCalifornia Labor Code 233 Quick Info
California Labor Code 233 provides guidelines for employees and employers regarding an employee’s sick leave used to take care of a family member with a health condition, including when the employee can use it and how much they can use at a time. It also provides a remedy for employees when employers refuse to let […]
Learn MoreCalifornia Labor Code 204 Overview and Examples
California Labor Code 204 primarily covers the payment of wages for employees in California. It describes timeframes within which employees must be paid, depending on which part of the month it is. For example, work done between the 1st and 15th must be paid for between the 16th and 26th of that month. California Labor […]
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